Letting go of walking your talk so as to dance ;-)

yes.. to dance your talk is more fun, than to walk your talk.. I can assure you. ——- A friend who I have a deep regard for, Tana Paddock, who runs a beautiful practice along with her partner Warren, Organisation Unbound out of Cape Town, South Africa on read this blog post. Something in it resonated with her and their work and she asked me if she could make a podcast based on this. And I said, why not? So once she called me while I was holidaying in Kalimpong, Darjeeling and sitting in a small net cafe, this conversation … Continue reading Letting go of walking your talk so as to dance ๐Ÿ˜‰

Slowing down to the Speed of Life..

As we allow more space and reduce the pace, somehow, we invite grace. I was conducting a program for a leading FMCG company and I shared with them this note (abridged version here) I had written many years ago. After reading this note one of the participants who had come from Singapore said that synchronistically he had read an article in the April 2010 Harvard Business Review with the title, โ€˜The Acceleration Trapโ€™. He said that was the head version of this note and this is the heart version of that note ๐Ÿ˜‰ An affluent industrialist said to the Master, … Continue reading Slowing down to the Speed of Life..